(682) 382-0818 [email protected]

Week of Action

We’re building towards a Week of Action!


Join us the last week of February (Feb 24-28) and be a part of our push to grow union support, increase pressure on Sorenson and ZP owners, and share our stories.

How does it work?

The Week of Action is meant to increase engagement and publicity for our ASL Interpreters Union. Every day, we’ll have events, media, and actions to join in-person and virtually. We’ll highlight some of the prominent issues we face as interpreters and the importance of working together with our Deaf community members throughout the week.

What you might see:

  • A collage of our VI supporters TWICE the size of our last
  • Release of VI wage data from our pay transparency survey
  • In-person action in Washington, DC
  • Gatherings of interpreters wearing union t-shirts
  • Big public zoom meeting
  • Press coverage
  • Results of our meme contest

And more!

How do I get involved?

Fill out this form to show us you’re committed.

Reach out to us at [email protected].

Submit a photo and quote to add to our growing collage.

Talk with your fellow VIs and Deaf community members! Connect them with us and tell them you’re taking part.

Join our zoom meeting at 5:30p PT/8:30p ET on Wednesday, February 26th.